What are the benefits of agate natural stone?

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    Agate stone has an important place in Islamic culture and has been evaluated in different ways by various Islamic scholars. Here are the views of Islamic scholars about agate stone:

    1. The Use of the Prophet (pbuh)

    Hadith and Narrations:

    • The Prophet's Agate Ring: It is known that the Prophet (pbuh) wore a ring made of agate stone. It is narrated that "Muhammad Rasulullah" was written on this ring and that it was used as a seal. This hadith is mentioned in Tirmidhi's book "Libas": "The Prophet's (pbuh) seal ring was made of silver and the stone was of Abyssinian agate." (Tirmidhi, Libas, 19).
    • Source: Tirmidhi, Libas, 19

    2. Advices of Imam Ali (ra)

    Imam Ali's Views:

    • Protective and Fertile Stone: It is known that Imam Ali (ra) had various recommendations about the agate stone. According to him, the agate stone has the properties of protecting from the evil eye and bringing abundance. Imam Ali stated that wearing an agate stone makes worship easier and increases the spiritual peace of the person.
    • Source: Encyclopedia of Islam

    3. Views of Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as)

    Healing and Spiritual Value:

    • Spiritual Protection: Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) recommended wearing agate to protect against evil eyes and evil. According to him, agate helps prayers to be accepted and strengthens the person spiritually.
    • Source: Islam and Ihsan

    4. Views of Other Islamic Scholars

    General Acceptance and Use:

    • Protection from the Evil Eye and Blessing: It is generally accepted among Islamic scholars that agate stone has the properties of protection from the evil eye and bringing blessing. For this reason, it is frequently stated that wearing agate stone is sunnah and provides spiritual benefits to the person.
    • Spiritual Peace: Many Islamic scholars have stated that wearing agate increases one's spiritual peace and makes it easier to focus during prayers.
    • Source: Presidency of Religious Affairs


    Agate stone has an important place in Islamic culture and is evaluated in different ways by various Islamic scholars. The use of agate stone by the Prophet (pbuh) and the advice of Imam Ali (ra) and Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) regarding the benefits of this stone emphasize the spiritual importance of agate stone in Islam. In general, it is believed that agate stone has properties such as protection from the evil eye, bringing blessings and providing spiritual peace. These beliefs are based on the hadiths and the opinions of Islamic scholars.

    However, it should not be forgotten that the benefits mentioned from natural stones, including medicines, are only means. In the real sense, it is only Allah who provides healing and creates benefit. Allah has created such things as means. Therefore, when expecting benefits from natural stones, this important point should not be forgotten.